Sunday, May 15, 2011

Journal: 4-4


     Last week, I asked the question of what the response to the Osama Bin Laden assassination was from the Muslim community. I researched this topic and came across several news articles that dealt with the question I had asked. Although nothing has happened yet in response to the assassination, many people in these new articles believe something will happen as a response.

     However, the articles claim that Muslim are not likely to react negatively to the attack because most of them have beliefs that are the opposite of Bin Laden. Most Muslims don't believe in using violence to show Muslim superiroty and might be glad that the leader of Al-Qaeda is gone. These articles also claim that Al-Qaeda will most definitely respond with a terrorist attack or something negative to the Western World.

     Last class we talked about the principles of magic and how these principles can relate to every day life. We watched videos of Penn and Teller and analyzed how they used deception in order to make the viewers trully believe what they were seeing. They explanied exactly how they did each trick and how one little mess up could thorw the wholre trick off.

     In my opinion we all can learn from the principles of magic. If we can learn about the art of deception then maybe we won't be so easy to be able to be deceived by people in everyday life. People might never become victims of frauds or con artists ever again. I believe magic has alot of ideals that it can teach us in the areas of deception and also having an open mind. If one has a closed mind, one might never be able to experience true delights such as the art of magic.

     There are two kinds of people when it comes to magic. There are those who choose to see it as magic when it happens and don't question it because they would rather have it be that way. And there are those who don't believe in magic and try to scrutinize magic tricks in an effort to figure out exactly how the magicican performed the trick. Unfortunately, society has mostly turned into the second kind of person. But if more of scoiety was like the first kind of person, we might have a better society.

     I end today with the question: What are the benefits of believing that magic exists?


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