Monday, May 9, 2011

Journal: 4-3


     Two weeks ago, I asked the question of where all the child stars are now in life since the movie Promises first aired. I was unable to find any material online but we watched a video in class about several of the child star's lives. The one boy, Faraj, moved out of the country and came to the United States and now works at Walmart in an effort to get money to pay for college. All of the other children that were interviewed are still in the midst of the conflict in the Middle East and claim that it's getting worse. Alot of them have given up on the dream of peace and some have even gone into the army defending their race.

      This past week we have been watching this tv show series called 30 days. We watched this particlar episode entitled "Muslim in America". It was about this strongly religious Christian man who goes to live the Muslim lifestyle in a Muslim family home for 30 days to see what it was like. At the beginning of the experiment he didn't understand Muslims and judged them just like everyone else. However, at the end of the experiment he had a much better understanding of the religion and culture and gained alot of respect for the Muslim people as a whole.

     In my opinion, this was a very good experiment to be done and showed to the public. It shows that you can't judge a book by it's cover and that although some of the practices of Muslims may seem foreign, they really aren't at all. Also this show really opened my eyes up to the fact that Muslims are upset that they are associated with terrorism and that they are so offended that they won't associate themselves at all with it and also will not apologize for the 9-11 attacks because they want to prove the point that them and their religious beliefs had nothing to do with the attacks on the United States.

     It seems that in today's society, Muslims are being discriminated against more than ever. Especially after all of the hype comming from Osama Bin Laden's death, there has been a new wave of hatred towards to Muslim people. This is very wrong. Muslims can't go to an airport without being checked 5 timesand they get dirty looks whent hey are out in public because they're different and they stand out. America has unfortunately deamonized the Muslim people.

     I end today with a question: What is the Muslim community's repsonse to the death of Bin Laden?

Halder, Daipayan. "Being a Muslim in Mumbai |" | Inform | Educate | Empower. Web. 09 May 2011. <>.

"Islam-isation Is What Muslims Need! Islamic Articles." Quran Recitation: Holy Quran Learning and Online Quran Reading | Live Quran Tutor. Web. 09 May 2011.

Olson, Ole Ole. "Breaking: Osama Bin Laden Dead | NEWS JUNKIE POST." NEWS JUNKIE POST | News, Politics, And Opinion From Around The Globe. Web. 09 May 2011. <>.

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