Sunday, June 5, 2011

Journal: 4-7


     Last week I asked the question of whether there was any true scientific evidence of benefits coming from the use of alternative medical treatments. I did my research and found that there is scientific evidence that supports the use of some alternative medicine; especially those that are used as anti-oxidants. Some examples of alternative medicine that works includes how Glucosamine can be used to treat arthritis and how cumin is a nature anti-oxidant which helps to improve your over all health.

     The day has come. I am righting my final ethics blog entry of the year! This class has been awesome. We've talked about so many topics, I don't even know where to start. At the beginning of the year we studied fallacies and how others can be misleading. We smoothly transitioned into studying several documentaries, all of which were very entertaining to watch. For our midterm we broke off into groups and made our own documentaries about pretty much whatever we wanted to. My group obviously made the best documentary about Chickfila and KFC. Then we transitioned into the ethical portion of the class where we discussed if certain situations were ethical and what being ethical really meant anyways. Also, we kept up on the situation in the Middle East and watched other documentaries involving international relations. We finally closed the year with a discussion of the basic principles of magic. However, we must not forget that throughout this whole year we started working on Heroic Imagination Projects. It might not have been the most successful thing but it really was inspiring and gave us real insight into international charity work.

     In my opinion, I've seen a common theme that we've constantly been studying throughout the whole year. The same theme has popped up in every activity and unit we studied and I have really learned alot about it. This theme of study was deceptions. We saw how documentaries can deceive you, media can deceive you, advertisement, international issues and especially magic can deceive you. By studying deception I've really been able to notice people trying to deceive me constantly that I wouldn't have noticed before I had taken the class. It was really interesting to see how studying deception can be so usefull in everyday life and I really am thankful for learning about it in depth.

     From this class I have gained  wealth of knowledge. Knowledge that ranges from random tidbits of information to life long lessons that I'll be able to take with me my whole life. I'll be able to hold conversations in the future with alot of the information I've learned in this class. I'll be able to have a discussion about what's really ethical or not with someone else and use the information from this class to back me up. As far as I'm concerned, this class has made me so much more aware about the world around me and has made me understand the world a little bit better. It has also increased my curiosity on certain issues and has inspired me to question the world and society. One of the things I've learned from this class is that you need to constantly be asking questions to yourself, society and the rest of the world.

     Since this is the last journal for ethics class, there is no more question to ask and have answered by next week's journal! I just want to say Mr.Couillard that it's been great having you as my Ethics and Physics teacher this year. I can tell that you really do love what you do (even if you didn't start out as a real teacher anyways :p) and that you're passionate about teaching the subjects you teach. Keep being awesome and inspiring! Thank you.

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