Monday, March 7, 2011

Journal: 3-4

Putting Ideas in Motion

     Two weeks ago, I asked the question of what the major issues are today's world. Through my exstensive research I was able to find the top five major issues in the world. The list consists of: 1) Energy Security, 2) MidEast and North Africa unrest, 3) Climate Change, 4) Coral Reefs, 5) Poverty Around the World. I also found another list which consisted of: HIV/AIDS and the killing of innocent women and children. In my personal opinion, I think the most important issues are: Poverty, access to clean water, education, global warming and natural disasters.

     I became intrigued on the topic and also researched areas around the world that require the most help and foreign aid. I found the areas most in need were Africa, Brazil, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Mexico and Argentina. It makes good sense that these areas should be focused on by the groups in Leadership for the Heroic Imagination Project. We can really make a positive and effective difference in all of these areas that are not in the best condition.

     This week in Ethics class we discussed the situation in Rwanda and started to watch a documentary called Ghosts of Rwanda in order to gain perspective about the genocide that took place years ago and how the country is today. We also learned about the United Nations and the role that they played to try and help the situation in Rwanda. On Friday of this past week we had a guest speaker come in from the company Profit which helps businesses put ideas into actions. She helped us build upon the ideas that we had in our Heroic Imagination groups and helped us realize what would benefit us and what would hurt the project as a whole.

     For me, having the guest speaker come and interact with us about our ideas was very beneficial. She helped my group develop our idea about creating a website that connects bussinesses to people and causes in need for them to donate their money to. She helped us realize that we should narrow our focus to where we want to send aid and what kind of service we would want to provide. We then chose that we wanted to focus on Africa in regards to medical supplies, food and water and education. This helped to ensure that we would'nt have too much on our plate and that we actually might be able to follow through with this project after all.

     This past weekend I purchased the latest issue of National Geographic Magazine and found many interesting things in it. One of the most intriging things I found was a huge poster about statistics of the World. Something that shocked me was how 12,000 dollars was considered a large amount of money copared to some places in Africa, South America and Asia who are making less than 100 dollars. I find it sad that the United States and European countries don't help out places in need more when they so clearly need it in order to thrive.

     I end today's journal with a question: What is the status of education around the world?

"College Updates July 2009." Home | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. <>.

Global Issues : Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All — Global Issues. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. <>.

"Major Problems Facing the World Today." Web. 07 Mar. 2011. <>.

"Time For Change | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. <>.

"Top Ten Countries Most In Debt." World Map, Map of the World. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. <>.

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