Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Journal: 3-3

Human ethics

     Last week I asked a question about what other human experiments there were in addition to the ones that we have already discussed. During my research, I came across a sight that had a list of the top 10 most evil studies conducted on humans. One that I found interesting was named "The Monster Experiment". A researcher took a group of orphans and divided the group in half. To half of the group, he gave speech therapy and praised them everytime they did something right. To the other half of the group, he criticised the children for every speech impediment they had.

     It was then proven that those who received the criticism out of the group tended to keep their speech impediment while the other half of the group learned to speek better and had more self confidence too. I found this very interesting. However, this was a very cruel study and only proves that most human studies can be very contraversial.

     In reponse to question number 9, I tried to look out for occassions this past week to speak up and go for it. Although I was presented with little oppurtunity to do so, there were two instinces in which I did speak up. One of these was in show choir while we were practicing our show for the upcoming competitons. It became apparent to me that alot of the new girls in the group were holding the group as a whole back and I could'nt stand for that. So instead of yelling at them, I took the innitiative to help them improve their attitude towards the class in order for us to succeed. Also this week I was very sick and tennis tryouts were coming up. I had to speak up and tell my coach that I was not well enough for tryouts. Instead of being mad at me, she was very sympathetic and it made me realize that it was a good thing to speak up and tell her that I was sick rather than dealing with the consequences of playing while being extremly sick. It turned out to really pay off.

     I would like to end today with a question in relation to our hero projects we are doing in class: What are the major issues of today's world?

Bloggin' All Things Brownsville. Web. 23 Feb. 2011. <>.

"Top 10 Evil Human Experiments." Top 10 Lists - Listverse. Web. 23 Feb. 2011. <>.

"5 Unethical Psychological Experiments." The Online Men's Magazine to End All Men's Magazines | Highest Five. Web. 23 Feb. 2011. <>.

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